Saturdays are for sugar rushes & laughter

February 12, 2020

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Hey Readers!

Happy Wednesday! You know what that means! Only 3 full days left until the weekend again, woohoo!! This past Saturday Matt and I went to little miss Emory’s fourth birthday party. To remind you who Emory is, she was the little girl in the pink tutu whose momma we did maternity photos with, in January! You can peek at this session on the gallery if you haven’t done so already. Now I have been to plenty of birthday parties, but for older people, generally over the age of twenty. Do you want to know what I realized? Varying ages of children under six put the energy of twenty year olds to shame and I mean absolute shame. Where on earth do children get all this energy in such a teeny body?!

When Matt and I walked in Christina’s house on Saturday I don’t think either of us were prepared for what was on the other side of that door. Mind you I have only been around Emory and small children on a 1×1 capacity, not a plethora of tots. When we walked in we were all warmly greeted by the adults with Emory rushing around the house with her friends. She did briefly pump the brakes to say a quick hi, then off to the races she went! Once everyone had arrived and ate their fill of pizza we proceeded to play pin the horn on the unicorn while the men tried to figure out how to set up the piñata. Those things really need to come with a kit to hang them with. I can’t honestly imagine people have spare sturdy string laying around to tie up a piñata, let alone a bat. Emorys’ dad did thankfully have a tiny bat, but string was completely out of the question…. So he improvised. They managed to keep it suspended while tiny children swatted at it so I call that a win!

Once the tiny tots were filled with candy from the piñata they were then given cake. Oh my sugar. I’ve been on weight watchers since September, so anytime I eat anything super sweet I get a crazy sugar rush. It honestly feels like I am a child again, but I could also the understand how the kids got their energy back. Presents were then quickly unwrapped with the help of the younger guests as well as a shiny new bike was presented to Emory. The theme of some of the presents as well as the bike was FROZEN. I mean who could go wrong with that? Before the party I had been scouring Walmarts aisles trying to find the perfect present, which for me is super hard to do! I managed to stumble upon a lego Frozen set and realized you can’t go wrong with Elsa and Anna. I am also patiently waiting until Frozen 2 hits Disney + so I can finally watch it.

Needless to say two hours of entertaining young ones and eating cake wiped out Matt and I. Once everyone had left we stayed to clean up, but were quite excited for the calm that followed the party. Don’t get me wrong kids are adorable and had us laughing the entire time, but goodness they really wear you out!

But hey you can’t go wrong with a sugar rush weekend!

Have a great day!


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Some images are courtesy of LAR Photography from my own wedding or assisted weddings 

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