Soon to be Weaver

October 4, 2020

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Happy Sunday All!!

I don’t know about you but my Saturday I managed to get a heck of a lot done! Buttt if I have a productive Saturday that generally means I get a laid back Sunday! It’s only completely appropriate as it’s cold and drizzly outside today. Sounds like the perfect day to curl up and watch NCIS and just relax. I have officially fallen down the Netflix rabbit hole and am working through old shows I have never finished. NCIS being one of them.

I did manage to break out my Cricut machine yesterday and work on a door cling for Spooky Season. I may work on a Sanderson sister sweatshirt today, if I can find the energy at the bottom of my coffee mug. This week is going to be jam packed with preparing for a quick weekend trip and getting my hair recolored. I just was not feeling the bright red. But hey you don’t know unless you try right?

Naturally the whole reason for this post wasn’t to tell you my whole Sunday play by play, but to show you the gorgeous couple that is Ann and Kenny! AND I MEAN MODEL GORGEOUS. These two made my job a walk in the park. I was definitely fawning over Ann’s outfit choices. As always I had these two meet me at Fort Fisher, NC to capture the various scenery it has to offer. If you are looking for a beach session but also want a little greenery this place is the spot for you. There is just so much landscape diversity in this little area! And no travel time 😉 If you’ve never been all you need to do is head to Carolina Beach and keep on driving!

I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

Until next weekend Xoxo,


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Preserving romantic and enchanting memories that captivate hearts and minds across the nation.

my vision

Some images are courtesy of LAR Photography from my own wedding or assisted weddings 

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