Family Vacations to remember

October 3, 2020

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Happy Saturday Readers!

I know I went M.I.A for a little bit and I promise I’m okay. I have officially worn myself out working my day job and balancing photography. All Summer I worked to ensure I could squish in as many sessions as possible. I wanted to be able to capture everyone’s memories for them, but in the effort I stretched myself too thin. It’s the great thing about running your own side business you learn your own limitations. Unfortunately for me the last two weeks I have been so worn out and could hardly find the energy to do much else. Let alone post to social media or write a blog post.

With all of that being said I am going to have a lighter fall this year. I am already full for October leaving a few days in November and December. Can you believe that we are already in October? I know I can’t, but my tv will be filled with Hocus Pocus, Haunted Mansion and all things spooky. Not not horror movies, those are tooo spooky! Anyway enough babbling let’s get to the other reason for this post. To get you all caught up!!

In July I had the opportunity to capture the cutest family, yes they’re all cute, because I mean have you seen them?! I had the opportunity to work with Christina and her adorable kids. We planned a two day session to split up capturing her side of the family that was visiting them on vacation as well as her husbands side of the family. Talk about perfect weather! Each day was hot and sunny! Carolina Beach never ceases to impress me! But I’ll let you see what I’m talking about.


Kaitlyn- A Rose’s Touch Photography

the experience

Preserving romantic and enchanting memories that captivate hearts and minds across the nation.

my vision

Some images are courtesy of LAR Photography from my own wedding or assisted weddings 

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