How’s Your Day?

September 5, 2017

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A week into Tinder and I started to realize my dating life has pretty much boiled down to weather or not a guy finds me attractive and swipes right and vice versa. Then once we do match it’s a matter of who messages who first. Now I’m not some girly girl who thinks the guys should always do the leg work and message the girl some cutesy hello with some sort of pick-up line, but I wouldn’t entirely mind it if they reached out to me first. If I have to be the one to message first I feel like the conversation lasts all of a few minutes and then it comes to a complete stop. Now there is another social dating app called Bumble; this is pretty similar to Tinder but once matched the female has to message the guy. This I don’t mind because I know the ball is in my court, but Tinder it could be anyone’s game. I just want to feel pursued, sure they swiped right but are they man enough to message me first? Like I said I don’t mind messaging first, but they could at least keep the conversation interesting. I can only ask how their day is so many times until it becomes redundant. This isn’t a way to really get to know someone. I like asking the hard questions or just random questions in general, it really gives me some kind of idea as to who they are. I don’t mean their favorite color, more along the lines of where would you go if you could run away. Me? I’d run to the states like Colorado or Montana and lay among the stars and tall grass.. To me that’s the best place to be. I will admit I am the type of girl who will analyze their answer, because it really shows me who they are. If they want to run to a bar, well I’m sure you can make your own deductions. To Mom and Dads? Again what would you think? There’s so many different men out there and I want to get to know more about them and who they are, not just what their interests are.

Now I told you we’d talk more about my preferences and to be honest I don’t really know what those are. I know I want a mans man, if that makes any sense to you reader. Not to say the other guys out there aren’t great, but I just want a guy who I can be myself around. Someone I can shoot guns with and they aren’t intimidated by it, a guy who would go horseback riding with me without worrying about muddying his clothing. I can’t handle the city slicker lifestyle, it’s just not who I am. I said I wasn’t much of a girly girl and I’m really not. I’m seen as more of a guys’ girl than anything else and I am completely ok with that. I’m twenty-four and I know I don’t want my guy to be any younger than that, but I also don’t want him to be too old either. My location settings are set to about forty miles from me and age gap twenty-four through thirty-two. The age gap I set intrigued me, I could choose someone whose close in mindset if I wanted or maybe go for someone more mature, who in theory knows what he’s doing with his life. I mean I sure as hell don’t know what I’m doing with mine, but it would be nice to have one person’s life figured out. Lately I’m finding I’m drawn to military men and cops, not sure why but that seems to be the average occupation to my swipes. Physically I want someone taller than me, it shouldn’t really be that hard I’m 5’3″. A man with a strong jaw line and eyes that can tell stories just by looking at them and a little bit of muscle in his arms. I’m not asking for a competitive gym person, just enough muscle to where I know he can pick me up; you know what I’m saying readers. Now don’t start telling me I’m so conceited for wanting these shallow qualities in a person. I’m on Tinder and I’m talking about the main things that will get me to swipe right. I’ll tell you more about what entices me about a man in a later post. But readers I can only swipe right so many times and message the men first after a forty-eight hour period before I get bored and discouraged. Is this really what dating has boiled down to? Well readers I’m not giving up hope, there’s plenty of people out there in the world and I am fortunate enough to date my way through them. Don’t worry I’ll keep you updated

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Some images are courtesy of LAR Photography from my own wedding or assisted weddings 

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